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Vision Based Reading Difficulty - Therapies


AUDITORY THERAPY                           

What is it?

We use the Johansen Technique to both assess and treat auditory processing issues.  The technique helps to resolve hearing problems which either cause or exaggerate speech, language and learning problems.

What can it help with?

  • Speech and language delays and difficulties

  • Difficulties with reading and reading comprehension

  • Vision Based Reading Difficulties

  • Hypersensitive hearing (often associated with autism)

  • Poor concentration

  • Bedwetting

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • Attention deficit disorder (ADD)

  • Sensory processing disorder (SPD)

  • Auditory processing disorder (APD)

  • Poor working memory

  • Poor spatial awareness

  • Anxiety​​

  • Anger


How does it work?


Regular audiograms simply measure hearing loss, but our more advanced audiogram will assess how a person hears, potentially revealing hidden difficulties which may be impacting speech, learning and behaviour.​

  • For example, hypersensitive hearing can make it impossible to phase out background noises, making a person highly distractible. This can also lead to anxiety issues and social withdrawal.

  • For others, the test may show that not all sounds are being heard at the same volume. For such people, listening to language is a bit like listening on a mobile phone in an area of poor reception. 

  • We also check for any dyslaterality. This means that some people tune into one ear for some sounds and the other ear for different sounds. This can have the result of flipping the order in which sounds are processed by the brain, resulting in speech and language problems or poor auditory processing.

  • The Johansen Technique uses specially modulated music in order to ‘retrain’ the ears to hear in a more balanced way and resolve any anomalies.​

Child In Speech Therapy

What is it?


A drug-free movement method which improves learning and behavioural problems by maturing the nervous system.

How does it work?


We are born with a set of primitive reflexes, which help the nervous system to develop. By the time a child reaches their first birthday, these reflexes should have all been inhibited. However, sometimes they get ‘stuck’ in place, locking the nervous system in an immature state.  The reflexes have completed their work, during the birth of the child.

This immaturity makes school life very difficult, interfering with reading, writing, balance, coordination, sports and fine motor skills. The result is low confidence, frustration and a failure to match performance to ability. It can also cause behavioural problems such as anxiety, mood swings and frustration. ​ Key Neuromovement Therapy uses simple, precise exercises to integrate the primitive reflexes, overcoming blockages, creating new neural pathways in the brain by maturing the nervous system. 

Once the internal stresses on the system are alleviated, the person becomes much more resilient to handle all that life throws at them.

The testing procedures were originally developed and have been researched over the past 40 years by the INPP. However, Vision Care Development continues to evolve and adapt exercises, programme lengths and intensities so that they no longer follow INPP protocols, but follow our own best practice. Results are permanent and the benefits are cumulative, as the patient grows and fulfils his or her potential.


It is possible to carry out this therapy:

  • At Home - Over a 3 month period (with parents overseeing daily exercises and reviews carried out in clinic every 3 weeks)


  • In Clinic  - Vision Care Development in York 

'These children are often smart and capable, but they cannot access that intelligence because something is literally ‘blocking their way'.

NEUROMOVEMENT THERAPY                           

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