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Have you suffered from a Brain Injury?

Whether you have had a stroke, an accident or any type of brain injury, we are here waiting to help you.

We treat patients following a



Aquired Brain Injury (space & time and visual rehabilitation)




Traumatic Brain Injury ( accident/ fall from a horse)




Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


If you or anyone you know is experiencing any of these symtoms after a bump on the head, you should see a doctor. You may however benefit from post concussion Vision Therapy. Contact us today to find out more.


Falling over

Balance Problems

Failing to understand what you are reading

Double Vision

Foggy Vision

Lack of Peripheral vision

The light hurts your eyes


 Success Stories

Ian suffered a life changing stroke which killed the part of his brain that controlled his peripheral vision.

Our latest blog reveals how with the help of prisms and special exercises , we helped Ian achieve outstanding results which ultimately gave him his life back.

Malcom came to Vision Care Development following a stroke which left him with vision problems. Ruth Perrott MBE worked with Malcom to prescribe the right glasses, which as you will see have hugely improved his quality of life.


Myra came to us after suffering major eye sight loss following a stroke. She worked with Ruth Perrott to find a solution which as you will see has been life changing..... Please contact us if you require expert help following vision loss due to a stroke or other medical issue.

Have you had a brain injury that effects your vision?

You should always have your vision checked after a concussion or bump on the head if there are visual disturbances.

Even a seemingly minor traffic accident or sports injury can cause visual disturbances. The most devastating vision problems resulting from brain injury are double vision, visual field loss and balance disorders. Visual rehabilitation activities, prescribed by a Behavioural Optometrist are used to remedy these problems. At VisionCare Development we offer these services.

The brain is a delicate tissue floating in a bath of fluid. When this is struck, the brain hits against the bone and can shear the nerves reducing their function. An oblique blow will affect more nerves. This in turn affects the entire central nervous system with devastating effects. It affects posture, balance and an awareness of space and time.

Neuroplasticity is an exciting area and we can introduce you to rehabilitate where you are in space, often using yoked prisms which move space. Working with motion and enhancing the vision available can encourage rehabilitation and adaptation by making the best of what you have for vision, in its broadest sense. This does not mean the Bottom Line. Far from it. Your vision is an active part of your place in the world and how you react to your surroundings.  


Other methods of vision therapy include prism lenses that will alter how the world is perceived until the brain experiences maximum possible neuroplasticity.

A combination of treatments may be required for the patient depending on which combination of symptoms. 


Visual retraining can reteach the brain after a concussion. A vision therapy specialist can work closely with the patient to help them retrain their brain to see normally.

Thankfully, most visual disturbances are treatable when a patient has a concussion. The sooner treatment is begun, the sooner the patient can get back to their normal life.



The Ghost in my Brain - how a concussion stole my life. 

Clark Elliott, professor of artificial intelligence and cognitive science at DePaul University, will discuss how he recovered from a debilitating traumatic brain injury with the help of two Chicago-area research clinicians working on the cutting edge of brain plasticity.

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